This app simulates the effectiveness of support champions, in various situations, at your particular gear level. Use it to model which support is best for a given situation, or to understand how to maximize each character's buffs.

Note that the buff calculations aren't official or decompiled, they're reverse-engineered (by hand, by me). Any mistakes you find are yours to keep.


  1. Go to the Settings tab and tell it to import current game definitions
  2. (optional) Enter your user details or drag in your data files, if you want to simulate your individual gear/unlocks/etc
  3. Open the Simulate tab, and set the gold level slider
  4. Select a champion and twiddle their parameters
  5. ???
  6. profit!


  • This app doesn't directly model each hero's own damage, but rather their contribution to the team. As such, the app does not model external buffs like perks, blessings, or achievements.
  • "Effectiveness" values shown are log-scale damage multipliers. This means that one hero with e9 effectiveness contributes as much to your team as two e4.5 heroes.
  • When a setting has an underline like this, mouseover it for an explanation.
  • The app remembers most settings. You don't need to import data every time you use it, just when new heroes come out or you want to re-import your gear levels.
  • If you're comfortable with JS you can customize how buffs are modeled in each hero's Config tab.
  • Bug reports can go to @fenomas on the game's discord.

Simulation "modes":

The simulation page has a pulldown menu to toggle modes. The meaning of these is mostly obvious, but for newer players:

  • 1. Damage only - the default mode, only models damage
  • 2. Damage+gold - models gold buffs as if they were a damage buff of equivalent size. Generally this mode should be used whenever gold find is relevant - i.e. when you're below softcap, or modeling a favor run.
  • 3. Gold only - for planning your gold find team
  • 4. Debuffs only - for planning click/debuff teams
  • 5. Positional only - for planning which supports work well with Arkhan/Artemis/etc.
  • 6. DPS comparison (experimental) - this mode gives a rough idea of each hero's own personal (self-buffed) damage. The numbers will not match your actual in-game DPS values, because many party-wide effects aren't being simulated. This mode is just for a general hand-waving comparison.

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: Sets the simulation mode
  • Left/right: lower or raise the gold total

Privacy note:

Be careful with your user ID/hash - they are your game password, and probably also PII. This website doesn't do anything with them except store them in your browser's cache, and submit them to CNE servers when you request it. But be aware that anything you copy into a webpage might be seen by your ISP, browser plugins, hackers, the NSA, etc.

Recent updates:

  • Now models legendary items. Added evergreen balance updates.
  • Added Blooshi, Gazrick, DM.
  • Added Yorven, Viconia, Rust, Vi, Desmond, Tatyana. Bug fixes.
  • Added Dhani, Brig, Widdle
  • Added DPS mode, Knox, Elly, Prudence, Corazon
  • Added positional-only, Selise, Mehen, Shaka, BV, Rosie
  • Added gold-only mode, added key shortcuts
  • Rebuilt internals to support loading game/user data
  • Added: Reya, Arkhan as dps, Alyndra, Orisha, Hew
  • Added: Talin, nerfed Krull, Bae, Lucius, new Nova
  • Added: Penelope, Ez, Torogar, Ulkoria nerfs, Delina self.
  • Added: Lapislazuli, Ulkoria, Omin, Krydle, Jim, nerfed Grimm.
  • Added: Krond, Beedle & Grimm. All heroes are now modeled.
  • Now supports links to heroes